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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sid Smith review of Luck!

From Sid Smith's blog

" Across the course of 75 minutes, Fernando Kabusacki presents 28 sketches that take in pungent electronica, soothing meditative airs, Weather Report-like jazz-rock vignettes, guitar work-outs (in all kinds of folk, jazz, and rock settings), disembodied sampled voices, field recordings, reggae-infused mariachi grooves and throbbing percussive salvos to name but a few. The kaleidoscopic variety of what’s offered ensures that boredom is never a problem..." (fragment of Sid Smith's review, UK, July 2011)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Critica de Luck en Rolling Stone

"En Luck Kabusacki deslumbra con una obra de espesor de road movie y liviandad folletinesca…piezas que van del TexMex a loops que recuerdan vagamente a Flaming Lips, ensoñaciones circenses a lo Nino Rota, colchones y letanias a lo Moby….una narrativa instrumental que va descubriendo universos sonoros que, reunidos, ofrecen una singular perspectiva del pop. Con altas dosos de buen humor…Kabusacki sintetiza estilos y subgeneros. Luck es una banda de sonido que esta buscando una pelicula…"
Mariano del Mazo, revista Rolling Stone Marzo 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Who is Who: meet Maria Eva

My latest solo CD Kabusacki 10 - Luck, features a luxurious team of guests, friends who contribute with their wonderful music, talents, light, heat...

On tracks #8 and #11 of Luck, It's only Light and The Saints in Heaven, one of the vocalists is Maria Eva.

The first project I shared with Maria Eva was Iman, about 20 years ago. Iman's lineup was Maria Eva, Alejandro Franov, Santiago Vazquez and myself. There's even a Myspace and a Facebook page of Iman. We recorded one album together at Melopea Studios, that was never completed.

Maria Eva lived in New York and Madrid, playing bass with many different projects including huge tours with Joaquin Sabina and Fernando Samalea among others. She released several amazing solo CDs, I play guitar in some of them. We shared many projects together and I'm proud to be one of the guitarists in her band!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Set list April 7th 2011

On April 7th 2011 I presented my CD Luck live at Centro Cultural de la Cooperacion with a wonderful group of friends as guests:

Fernando Samalea played drums, Paula Shocron played the piano; Barbara Togander, Maxi Trusso and Maria Eva sang, Matias Mango played keyboards and Miguel Bassi the bass.

This was our set list:

We played Billy Cobham's Stratus! Inspired by Jeff Beck's version...

Here's a good review by Marcelo Morales, which along with the audience's warm applause, made us all proud and happy.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Luck Interview at Tower Records Magazine / Intoxicate

interview & text : 松山晋也


2002年にフアナ・モリーナと共に初来日して以来、今回が何度目になるのだろうか。いわゆる〈アルゼンチン音響派〉の旗頭として日本ではすっかりお馴染みになったギタリスト、フェルナンド・カブサッキ。4月半ばから2週間強、東名阪のたくさんの会場で日本人音楽家たちをゲストに招いてライヴ・ツアーが行われた。『The Flower + The Radio』以来4年ぶり(スタジオ盤としては通算7枚目)となるニュー・アルバム『Luck』をひっさげて。「あれだけの大災害直後だし、家族や友人からはもちろん止められた。でも、こういう大変な時期だからこそ、日本の人々が音楽を必要としているのではないか、自分の音楽を届けるべきだと思った」と語る優しい笑顔からは、日本に対する率直な愛情が伝わってくる。






ちなみにカブサッキ、ここ数年はチャーリー・ガルシアの7年ぶりの新作『Kill Gil』(2010)や、師匠ロバート・フリップの新プロジェクト〈オーケストラ・オブ・クラフティ・ギタリスツ〉のライヴに参加する傍ら、ナショナル・フィルム・チェンバー・オーケストラ他自身の複数のプロジェクトでも同時並行的に活動するなど、相変わらず多忙を極めていたという。願わくば、再び日本のミュージシャンともコラボ作を作ってもらいたいもの。

Friday, June 17, 2011

Luck facts

- In each piece of Luck, each sound sounds exactly where it has been recorded, nothing was moved around or copy/pasted. Only Dbs up or Dbs down. If there's flow in the album, this is one of the keys.

- Some of the musicians, like Barbara Togander and Fernando Samalea, came to the studio on this train...

- Coghlan: the old train station across my studio. At one point I considered using a photo of the station for the album cover:

There is a very beautiful painting by Argentinean artist Aniko Szabo of this station.

- Santiago Vazquez' percussion kit (in my studio session) consisted in a Roland Handsonic, a suitcase full of percussive instruments and a Talking Drum. He also used the floor and carpet as drums on some tracks.

- During a most inspired moment while recording one of the takes by pianist Paula Shocron a loud drill noise from the neighbors' began sounding very loud....we exploded in laughter but she kept playing...superbly!

The piano that Paula used, a Nord Electro:

- Mr Mussa Phelps at the end of the session. Sunset is my favorite time of the day in my studio...

Here's the keyboard that Mussa Phelps used: Indigo